Are you between
the ages of 18-64?

Are you receiving Social Security disability benefits?

Would you like to
give working a TRY?
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Is SSA Ticket To Work for Me?
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You are worth the TRY!
As a federally contracted Employment Network to administer the SSA Ticket to Work program, we at ERS, feel the enrichment of your life is worth the TRY!
We will support you in this free and voluntary program offered by Social Security that can help people ages 18-64 who are actively receiving SSI or SSDI, and are interested in returning to work, starting work for the first time, or currently working.
By simply trying and making good progress toward your employment goal, Social Security will not review your case to see if you still have a disability. You may continue to access your cash and Medicare and/or Medicaid health care benefits as you transition to full-time work. If you are no longer able to work due to your disability, your benefits can be reinstated.

With your free, professional Career Coaches & Benefits Specialists from ERS, you’ll have peace, support and confidence!
When joining our community, ERS TicketHolders will have an entire team to support you while you test your abilities to work. You will have exclusive access to our full Learning Library with interview tips, resume templates, learning guides, videos and resource articles. You will have help with your local 211 navigation, and wage reporting reminders and uploads. We will explain all the work incentives put in place to give you the chance you deserve for financial growth and fulfillment.

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Commonly Asked
In a world of inflation, uncertainty and fear, change can be a uneasy thing for anyone. To feel the Social Security benefits you worked so hard to receive could be taken away, would lead anyone to feel trapped. ERS is here to help you safely navigate the path back to work, and supply you with the tools necessary to receive more income than you ever dreamed, by raising the ceiling of your potential.
What is the goal of the Ticket to Work Program?
The Ticket to Work Program gives many people receiving Social Security benefits more choices for receiving employment services. Under this program, most recipients become eligible for the Ticket to Work Program when they begin receiving SSDI or SSI benefits based on disability. By assigning their ticket to an Employment Network (EN) or Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (VR) of their choice, recipients can choose to obtain the support services necessary to achieve a vocational (goal) objective. If the ticket is approved, the EN or VR will coordinate and provide useful services to help the recipient find and maintain employment.
Who can use this program?
The Ticket to Work program is for individuals between the ages of 18-64 who receive an SSDI and/or SSI check. We’d love to help determine your eligibility. Contact us!
What if I am not comfortable giving you my Social Security information?
Your concern is valid. By calling the SSA Ticket to Work helpline at 1-866-968-7842, you will reach the Social Security Program Manager for the TTW program. Our DUNS/PID number is 963890111, and the Program Manager will be happy to verify that we have an active contract with the Social Security Administration and are an approved Employment Network.
Will I lose my Medicaid/Medicare eligibility if I participate in the program?
No. You will continue to remain eligible for the same medical coverage if you continue to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit payments. Should you begin to earn enough that you stop receiving SSDI payments, there are also work incentives that allow you to continue your medical coverage. If you receive medical coverage through Medicaid/Medicare presently, your eligibility for coverage can continue for at least 93 months after the last month of your Trial Work Period.
What happens if my benefits stop due to my earnings, and I can no longer work due to my disability?
You can request that your benefits start again if your benefits ended because you worked and had earnings, without having to complete a new application. Provisional (temporary) benefits for up to six months can be given by the Social Security Administration (SSA) while they determine whether you can get benefits again, because of a work incentive called Expedited Reinstatement. You can ask for your benefits to begin again using Expedited Reinstatement for up to five years after you stop receiving benefits.
Is there ever any cost for your help?
No, our services never come with any charge.
What is Timely Progress?
A “Timely Progress Review” refers to the SSA deciding if you are making the expected progress toward your vocational goal. Every 12 months after assigning your ticket to an Employment Network or Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, SSA looks at your progress such as completing certain educational objects and/or getting and keeping a job.
What is EXR - Expedited Reinstatement?
You can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new application if your benefits ended because you worked and had earnings. Provisional (temporary) benefits for up to six months can be given by the SSA while they determine whether you can get benefits again.
Am I eligible for EXR?
You are eligible if you are an SSDI beneficiary who:
• Stopped getting benefits because of earnings from work.
• Are unable to work or perform steady gainful activity.
• Are disabled because of an impairment(s) that is the same as or related to the impairment(s) that allowed you to get benefits earlier.
• Make the request within five years from the month your benefits ended.
Why should I choose ERS over another EN?
ERS currently serves over 11,000 ticketholders across the United States. With our diverse resources and nation-wide partners, our staff can offer superior support and be with you every step of your plan. Your personal team of Career Consultants are your partners, who will provide career counseling, including job searches, resume writing, interview techniques and more. Everything from navigating your local transportation options to help with prescriptions and childcare resources. They’re here to help you win, so if you want to work we can reach you.

You can enjoy
more in your life
If you are ready to explore the rewards of working for the first time or
returning to work after difficult times, we are here for you. Take the first step
to see if this path is for you.

We change lives.
Speak to an ERS Career Development Specialist and start on the road to
improving your quality of life!
Some words from our winners!
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Our story …
ERS was founded in 2010 and was federally contracted in 2012 as a National Employment Network through the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program. ERS works hands-on with eligible ticketholders in all 50 states to develop a personalized pathway to financial independence. Since 2010, ERS has continued to expand the services and supports offered to its diverse talent pool while also increasing the number of individuals receiving personalized support. The continued growth and success of ERS allows us to work directly with employers to connect our talent with available opportunities in their area.