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Welcome to ERS!

Your personal team is being selected, and we will be in touch soon.

Below are ways to prepare for your next call to get the most out of your session.

Career Development Specialist

Step one of your journey began with a CDS. You’ve completed your Individual Work Plan (IWP), discussed your resume, and have been invited to create an ERS Single Sign-On account. You are on your way!

ERS Benefits Specialist

Your next call will be from an expert benefits specialist. They will explain to you how working will effect your benefits. You will schedule your one-on-one phone call with them to ask all your questions!

ERS Career Coach

Once you finish with your Benefits Specialist, it will be time to meet your personal Career Coach! This is your main partner going forward and will support you in achieving your goals identified in your IWP.

Get ready for your Benefits Specialist by collecting any mail or correspondence you’ve received from SSA.

Your Benefits Specialist will explain to you how working will effect your benefits.

Help them get a complete picture of your status with SSA, so they can determine the best starting point for your journey in Ticket To Work! The more they know, the more they can help!

Request your BPQY form from SSA.

The Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) is a tool we use to obtain detailed information about the status of your disability benefits, scheduled medical reviews, health insurance, and work history.  

SSA will provide BPQYs free of charge if you are working with a third party while planning a successful return to work, work for the first time, or planning to stay employed.

Simply request: “An earning statement for my 3rd party employment network.”

You and your representative payee can request the BPQY by calling 1-800-772-1213 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday or by going to your local SSA office.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call the toll-free TTY/TDD number, 1-800-325-0778.

Find Your Local Office

Have you completed your ERS Single Sign-On Account?

If you have not already accepted the invitation sent by your Career Development Specialist, let your Benefits Specialist know, and you will be sent a new invitation.

Have you worked on your Resume?

If you have not already completed or uploaded your resume with your Career Development Specialist, just make a list of important items to note, and you will complete this with your Career Coach once they’ve been paired with you.


We put ourselves at the center of your career success and have a full team creating tools and processes that drive it! Explore the TicketHolder dashboard on our website and see what’s in store for you.

Browse The Dashboard

Download the ERS Mobile App.

Available on both Apple Store and Google Play, we’re with you every step! Take advantage of the tools designed exclusively for you. It’s like having your entire team right in your pocket. Download it today.

App StoreGoogle Play

Review our Wage Reporting Options.

Whether you are currently working or are looking to, wage reporting is of vital importance and is REQUIRED by both SSA and ERS!


Report Wages to ERS
Now that you’ve partnered with us, you are required to report your earnings and any changes in your employment in a timely manner to ERS as well.  By sending in your paystubs, ERS can then provide guidance and support to help you stay on track and achieve your timely progress goals.

Report Wages to SSA
It’s important to report your wages to the Social Security Administration (SSA) to avoid overpayments and ensure your benefits are paid correctly:  

Reporting will aid in preventing Social Security from sending you more than you’re eligible to receive. If you are overpaid, you’ll need to pay the difference back to Social Security, so it is important to make yourself familiar with this process and discuss your situation with our Benefits Specialists on your upcoming calls. 


Review Wage Reporting Options

Sit back & smile! You are on your way!

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Are you Eligible for Ticket to Work?

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