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Identify your strengths


Identify Your Strengths

Assessments can help you choose a perfect career fit.

A career assessment is a way to learn more about how well a variety of careers might suit you. Different types of assessments focus on specific areas, such as skills,
interests, or values. Typically, an assessment asks you to answer questions about what you like, don’t like, what’s important to you, and what your strengths are.

Since assessment results may relate to as many as 900 different occupations, don’t panic if your results include careers that don’t interest you. Experts recommended
that you take more than one assessment to broaden your ideas before you make a decision. It can also be helpful to talk with a career counselor, family and friends
before making a career decision.

Interest Assessment

The Interest Assessment is a quick 30-
question assessment that identifies
your interests and matches them to

Simply enter what you like to do and
what you don’t, and reveal the careers
that fit your interests.

The Skills Matcher

The Skills Matcher identifies your skills
and matches them to careers that use
those skills.

Enter the skills you feel you have and
reveal show the career options that
might be a good fit.

The Work Values Matcher

The Skills Matcher is a card sort that
helps you identify the qualities that are
most important to you in a career and
the place you work.

This can help you choose a career that
matches your values, and identify
employers that share similar values.

Available on iOS & Android

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